Papua New Guinea Accommodation,
The Lowlands

Palimbe Guesthouse


Palimbe Guest House offers very basic accommodation in a remote Sepik village. Rooms are small and the mattresses provided have mosquito nets. There is a pit toilet located a short distance from the accommodation building and washing is usually undertaken in the river.


1 main accommodation unit with 6 chambers. Pit toilet located a few metres from the accommodation building. Mattress with mosquito net provided. No shower or electricity but lamps are provided.

Optional Activities

Cultural tours along the Sepik River and its tributaries. Bird watching.

Claire Pote

Area Specialist

If you have any questions regarding our Papua New Guinea tours, please feel free to contact me on +44 (0)1803 866965

There should never be less than three nights in this sensational location [Ambua Lodge] with a superb climate (hot during the day and cool at night) with very good food, and seeing the amazing Huli Wigmen with their outstanding head-dresses.

Mr D C - Essex