The large north eastern state of Bahia displays a strong African influence and holds an abundance of attractions. Serious trekkers will appreciate the scenery and trails of the Chapada Diamantina National Park; lovers of Latin colonial architecture can marvel at the perfectly preserved Historic Centre of Salvador, once the country’s capital and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For some, the main draw is Bahia’s beautiful coastline, much of it natural and unspoilt, with its plethora of fine beaches. If looking for a lively time while at the beach, you can stay at fashionable Trancoso, expanding Praia do Forte or busy Itacare: we tend to look for quieter, more natural locations such as the Marau Peninsula – a bit harder to reach but well worth the effort.

Highlights of Brazil
Highlights: Bahia
Accommodation Near
Bahia and North East
Fazenda Sao Francisco do Corumbau
This beautiful, isolated boutique hotel is a perfect location to enjoy a taste of wild southern Bahia in contemporary luxury