Highlights of

Kyuquot Sound


Nestled on the remote northwest coast of Vancouver Island, Kyuquot Sound is a collection of interlocking coastal inlets, bays and small islands. It is very remote and surrounded by wonderful old growth temperate rainforests, mountains and rocky coasts.

Kyuquot Sound is a little known gateway through which to explore the wild and less visited western coast of Vancouver Island with its many pristine beaches and sheltered coves. This region supports some of the largest concentrations of wildlife on Vancouver Island including black bear, costal wolf, mountain lion, mule deer and elk, although many of these species are rarely seen.

The region around the sound is ideal for kayaking with its many sheltered bays and inlets, home to British Columbia’s largest sea otter population. These popular, intelligent mammals can only be found in this remote region and can often be approached closely by kayak for very special encounters. Some of the islands in the area are also used by packs of coastal wolves, Spring Island in particular being a good place to see them during the summer.

Humpback whales and sea lions are often seen further out towards the open sea.



Wildlife Holidays