This world-renowned Sepilok Orang-Utan Centre works to rehabilitate orphaned or injured orang-utans back into the wild. Many of the released individuals return to the centre for supplementary feeding, affording wonderful close encounters. There is a resident Sumatran rhinoceros and the surrounding rainforest is home to pig-tailed macaques and large numbers of bird species. On night walks, flying squirrel, slow loris and other nocturnal species can be observed.

Highlights of Borneo
Sepilok Orang-Utan Centre
Highlights: Sepilok Orang-Utan Centre
Accommodation Near
Sepilok Orang-Utan Centre
Sepilok Nature Lodge
Beautifully set in lush grounds within walking distance of Sepilok’s renowned orang-utan centre, sun bear centre and rainforest discovery centre