Travel Specialist

Liz Ferreira


Born in the UK and the youngest of five children, Liz and her family moved to the then Rhodesia when she was only two years old. Understandably she doesn’t remember living in the UK nor the two week boat trip from Southampton to Cape Town they took.


Based in Kariba, Zimbabwe, Liz worked for as a consultant for a UK specialist Africa tour operator for 23 years before joining Reef & Rainforest as our newest Africa consultant.


She doesn’t have to go far to see game in Kariba: zebra, buffalo, hippo, waterbuck, impala are a few of the species regularly seen close to her house. Baboons particularly are a real menace, especially in her garden where leopards and lions have wandered in as well. Kariba is a national park so it’s all part of living there for Liz.


Liz has in-depth knowledge of Zimbabwe and Zambia, as well as Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Botswana, Kenya and beach extensions to Mozambique.  Namibia and South Africa are also within her remit.


When not organising itineraries, Liz enjoys seeing wildlife of all kinds, reading and baking.