India Accommodation,
Northern India



Set amidst breathtaking surroundings within the Ramganga River valley, Vanghat lodge is a perfect base from which to explore Corbett National Park. Home to a wide variety of birds, mammals, and other wildlife, Corbett was India’s first national park, given its status in 1936, primarily to conserve the Bengal tiger.

The lodge is composed of 9 cottages, 4 mud and thatched cottages, and 5 stone cottages. Each one is dedicated to a different group of wildlife, named and painted accordingly to give them unique identities. The mud cottages serve as natural air-conditioners, and the stone cottages are artistically made by local experts and set at a height that allows watching birds from your balcony.


Nine private cottages, dining area, researcher's quarters.

Local Wildlife

Bengal tiger, leopard, golden jackal, sloth bear, Asiatic black bear, jungle cat, Indian grey mongoose, yellow-throated marten, otter.

Nilgai, chital deer, barking deer, elephant, wild boar, sambar, hogg deer, rhesus monkey, langur.

Crocodile, gharial, king cobra, common krait, cobra, Russel viper, rock python, monitor lizard.

More than 600 species of bird have been recorded in Corbett National Park.

Jonathan Morris

Area Specialist

If you have any questions regarding our India tours, please feel free to contact me on +44 (0)1803 866965

Everything ran like clockwork. Everyone we dealt with was friendly and very helpful. Transfers, guides and wildlife sightings all exceeded our expectations. Highlights were having a male tiger with his mouth and legs covered in blood following our jeep a long the track in Tadoba and seeing a leopard lounging on a rock by the roadside.

Mr IW - Southampton