Region: North Belize

Lamanai Mayan Ruins

Situated on the banks of New River Lagoon, the largest body of fresh water in Belize, the impressive pyramids are surrounded by a 950-acre archaeological reserve. Over seven hundred structures have been identified, though many remain unexcavated. Numerous representations of the crocodile can be found throughout this site, whose name means “submerged crocodile” in Mayan. … Continued

Birds Eye View Lodge

An unpretentious, Belizean-owned lodge situated in the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary

Community Baboon Sanctuary

Established in 1985 on the banks of the Belize River, this laudable community project protects one of the three main primate species found in Belize, the back howler monkey (known locally as “baboon”). Villagers have voluntarily set aside privately-owned tracts of forest to secure the monkeys’ habitat, and now their high numbers provide visitors with … Continued

Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary

Crooked Tree is a large area of inland waterways, lagoons, gallery forest and savannah, established in 1984 to protect resident and migrant birds which gather in their thousands during the dry season. Over 300 species have been recorded nesting in the area. The reserve’s most famous visitor is the jabiru stork, one of the largest … Continued

Chan Chich Lodge

A truly special place, set in its own Maya plaza surrounded by 130,000 acres of private lowland rainforest reserve

Rio Bravo Conservation Area

In the far northwest of Belize, the Rio Bravo Conservation Area protects 260,000 acres of low-lying tropical high moist rainforest, home to 400 species of birds, 200 species of trees and 70 mammals, including all five of Belize’s large cats. To the south, bordering the Rio Bravo, is a privately-owned property, Gallon Jug, which contains … Continued

Lamanai Outpost Lodge

Rustic-chic, comfortable cabanas set on a huge 28-mile freshwater lagoon and right by Lamanai Maya ruins